Anatomy of a Point by: Dorotea Šušak

audio script

A Triptych of Identity, Existence, and Emotion

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Šušak’s story was chosen as one of the winning stories in a writers competition organized by the Croatian National Theatre “Ivan Zajc” from Rijeka, within the Deconfining project.

“Anatomy of a Point” offers an introspective exploration of identity with precision and emotional depth, inviting readers to contemplate the complexities of life. Divided into three parts, the story delicately examines the materiality, temporality, and physicality of existence, evoking feelings of displacement, isolation, and pain while leaving room for interpretation and introspection.


Dorotea Šušak

Dorotea Šušak (born in 1996) graduated in Dramaturgy from the Zagreb University Academy of Dramatic Art. She is about to complete the two-subject graduate study in Anthropology and Comparative Literature at the Zagreb University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. She is an educator in reality psychotherapy and choice therapy. She is a doctoral student in the PhD study of Science of Literature, Theatre Study and Dramaturgy, Film Study, Musicology and Study of Culture at the Zagreb University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. She is a two-time recipient of the scholarship for excellence in the graduate and postgraduate studies. She is a two-time laureate of the Marin Držić National Award for the best dramatic texts. She has received the Radiofonton Award for the best radio drama text, as well as the award of Croatian National Theatre in Mostar the for the best dramatic text. Her poetry has been included in several different editions and anthologies. She is the author, dramaturge and/or director of a number of theatre and other artistic projects at the independent and institutional scenes throughout Croatia and the region. She is a long-term activist in the field of social accessibility, quality of education and feminism. She is the executive director of the Centre for Women’s Studies. She is an alumna of the OSCE/ODIHR Advocacy School on Gender and Politics, also of the American educational advocacy program Vital Voices under the name Intergenerational Fellowship on Women, Peace and Security in South Central Europe.


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